What Customers Are Saying About Us?
* I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata 2 years ago with 50% hair loss. Started your products the end of September 2009 and starting to see results new hair growth with less new balding spots. Only wish I could of found these products sooner.
* My daughter could be the poster child for this product!
* I havnt started regrowing hair but I had really dry hair and was losing some hair because of it. After using the lotion and shampoo 2wice a day it became more healthier looking in just 2 weeks.
* I like your product. My hair is looking very healthy and where it was thinning near my hairline there is new growth.
* I have treatment and gel from my last round of hair loss after surgery. I have had general aneasthesia once again and my hair is again falling out. I love this product. I will order full kit when I have finished with what I have on hand. Thank you.
* We could be a spokesperson for your product. My daughter was completely bald and once we started using your product we watched her hair grow in at a rapid rate! She has a full beautiful head of hair in less than a year, ponytails and all! Thank you.
* Used it for a week and already see a huge difference, Thanks Thymuskin
* Where do I get a discount code as I find this product works very well and I use a lot of it.
* Hi, I wanted to know if your products are safe for highlighted hair. By the way, the health food store highly recommended your product.
* I have seen new hair growth as well as other people noticing it. I feel alot better about myself and have gotten some confidence back, Thank you.
* These products work great thank goodness I fianlly found a product that works.
* I have been using Thymuskin basic shampoo and lotion for about 3 weeks now. Washing my hair almost every day. I see results throughout thinning hair, but the very front (middle) seems to be not working yet. The front sides came back quite nicely.
* I was having hypo thyroidism for 4 years and I ordered the shampoo and treatment lotion..amazingly within 2 months I go much thicker hair and my hair stopped shedding. But against the advice written on the shampoo I used another shampoo and conditioner and all of the suddne my hair started to fall off and I am beck to where I started. No I started to use it and haven't seen results yet but I am hoping for it so always be cautious about using another hair product (shampoo, conditioner etc.)
* No results yet, but I love the way the shampoo makes my hair feel and smell...so I will keep it up. Better than using what the doctor ordered....Rogaine..Thank you
* I been using this product for just about a year, and my hair is just about back to normal.